Complete Martial-Arts Federation (China – Henan) Committee
Member & Chief Coach Black Belt 7th Degree Master Zhang
Master Zhang Kai
Master Zhang Kai with President of【World Complete Martial-Arts Federation】Grand Master Carter Wong
张凯(释延能)大师出生于河南开封,是河南嵩山少林寺第34代弟子,12岁皈依少林,拜少林寺大和尚释永信为师,在少林寺学武十多年,并代表少林寺武僧队出访欧美、东南亚等数十国家进行功夫表演及友好访问, 07年少林寺300年来首次开戒坛出家,09年还俗后进入影视圈。
Master Zhang Kai (Shi Yanneng), born in Kaifeng, Henan, is
the 34th Generation disciple of the Songshan Shaolin Temple in Henan Province.
He converted to Shaolin at the age of 12 and worshipped Shaolin Temple Monk,
Shi Yongxin as his teacher. He represented the ShaoLin Temple monks and had visited
many places in Europe, America, and Southeast Asia amongst other countries for
Kung Fu performances and friendly visits. In 2007, Shaolin Temple had opened
its monastery for the first time in 300 years and after resuming secularity in
2009, it entered the film and television circle.
张凯【释延能】大师(前左一) 及俄罗斯总统普京先生(居中)
Master Zhang Kai 【Shi Yanneng】(1st from
Left at the front) & President of Russia Mr.Putin (center)
12-year-old Master Zhang Kai 【shi Yanneng】Converted Into Monk at Shaolin Temple Accepted by Grandmaster Shi Yongxin as Disciple
Photo With Movie Stars
Film Award
2014年被导演许学文选中参演香港36届金像奖最佳电影"樹大招风"饰演(雇佣兵)红旗一角 。2015年与黄一飞、阳蕾合作主演电影"女人是老虎"。 同年与肖央合作电视剧"我的岳风会武朮"饰演:陈强一角 。2016年与张永达、庄小龙合作动作犯罪电影"战刀屠狼"饰演反一号“毒狼” 。2017年主演动作悬疑电影"慈善玩家"饰演男一号—周晓峰 。2018参与拍摄"破冰行动"饰演“良叔”曾子良一角。
In 2014, he was then selected by Director Xu Xuewen, to play the role of a mercenary known as Red Flag in one of the best film, "Shu Da Zhao Feng: Being Targeted" of the 36th Hong Kong Awards. In 2015, he co-starred in the movie "Women are Tigers" with Huang Yifei and Yang Lei. In the same year, he also cooperated with Xiao Yang in TV series "Wo De Yue Feng Hui Wu Shu: My Yue Feng Knows Martial Arts" as Chen Qiang. In 2016, he later cooperated with Zhang Yongda and Zhuang Xiaolong in an action crime movie "Zhan Dao Tu Lang: War Blade Slaughters Wolf" as the main antagonist character, "Poison Wolf". In 2017, he played the male lead, Zhou Xiaofeng in an action suspense movie "Ci Shan Wan Jia: Charity Player". In 2018, he also participated in the shooting of "Po Bing Xing Dong: Icebreaking Action" as the role of "Uncle Liang", known as Zeng Ziliang.