內功太极拳 - 王行洪 大师

发布时间:6/14/2020 12:00:00 AM


Inner-Power Taichi Master Dr. h. c. Albert Wang Was Appointed As Honorary Advisor Of 【FEDERATION OF WORLD CULTURAL & ART SOCIETY


王行洪大师  Master Albert Wang

    世界著名武术家、內功太极大师、荣誉教授、荣誉博士王行洪应【世界文化艺术联合总会】创会总顾问陈光億宗师的邀请并推荐,荣任【世界文化艺术联合总会】名誉顾问。World renowned Martial Arts Master/Inner-Power Taichi Master Dr. h. c. Albert Wang, Honorary Professor, was invited by Grand Master Jason Tan, the Chief Founding Counsel of FEDERATION OF WORLD CULTURAL & ART SOCIETYSINGAPORE)】 (FOWCAAS), to be appointed as the Honorary Advisor of FOWCAAS.

    【世界文化艺术联合总会】(世文联)是当今世界最权威、最有影响力的国际文化艺术组织之一。目前已经覆盖近90个世界主要国家和地区。在世文联总会中,陳光億宗师为创会全球总顾问,邱程光为总会长,丁峻为署理总会长。世文联的组成成员都是来自世界各国文化艺术界的精英名流,具体包括:国际武术总会总会长黄加达宗师、马来西亚首相署法务部长刘伟强拿督、新加坡原国防政务部长顾蔡矶、新加坡国家文化奖得住林子平、中华文学艺术界联合会荣誉理事长郑余镇、等等。【FEDERATION OF WORLD CULTURAL & ART SOCIETYSINGAPORE)】 (FOWCAAS) is one of the most authoritative and influential international organizations in the field of culture and arts. It has members in nearly 90 major countries and regions in the world. Inside FOWCAAS, Grand Master JASON TAN is the Chief Founding Counsel, Mr. KHOO SENG KONG is the President,JANICE DING JUN is the Vice President. All the members of FOWCAAS are top culture and arts celebrities in the world. They include A.PROF. KOO TSAI KEE(Singapore former minister of state in the ministry of defense), DATUK LIEW VUI KEONG PGDK MP(minister in the prime ministers department of Malaysia), Grand Master CARTER WONG( international martial-arts association - president), LIM TZE PENG(Singapore national arts awardee), etc.

    中华传统武术也是中华传统文化的载体,王行洪作为內功太极大师,也是武学艺术的大家。因此,此次王行洪大师应邀担任世界文化艺术联合总会的名誉顾问,体现了王行洪大师在武术界及文化艺术界的全球影响力和受认可的程度。As Chinese traditional martial arts are deeply rooted in Chinese traditional culture and arts, Martial Arts Master/Inter-Power Taichi Master Dr. h. c. Albert Wang is not only excellent in the field of kungfu fighting but also in the field of kungfu arts. The appointment of Dr. h. c. Master Albert Wang as the Honorary Advisor of FEDERATION OF WORLD CULTURAL & ART SOCIETYSINGAPORE)】 clearly shows that Dr. h. c. Master Albert Wang is widely recognized and has great influence in global culture and arts society.

王行洪 大师 简介

Introduction to Dr. h. c. Master Albert Wang

    王行洪大师:世界著名武术家、发明家、科学家、內功太极大师、形意拳大师、九段、国际级武术裁判、荣誉教授、荣誉博士。世界文化艺术联合总会名誉顾问。国籍:中国;出生地:辽宁省;职业:武术培训及文化传播,国际贸易,职业经理人。Dr. h. c. Master Albert Wang: World-Renowned Martial Arts Master and World Martial Arts Champion. Inventor. Scientist. Inner-Power Taichi Master. Xingyiquan Master. 9th DUAN. International level kungfu judge. Honorary Professor. Honorary Doctor. Honorary Advisor of FEDERATION OF WORLD CULTURAL & ART SOCIETY. International Trader.

王行洪大师  Master Albert Wang

    天津大学双学士,中央党校研究生。职业国际贸易经理人。现任国际武术协会常务副主席,负责协会国际业务发展工作。曾作为武林泰斗冯志强大师的副手,历任北京武协陈式太极拳研究会副会长、常务副会长。Dr. h. c. Master Albert Wang, current Executive Vice President of International Wushu Association, a double-degree graduate from Tianjin University, was the former Vice Chairman and Deputy Vice Chairman of Beijing Chen-Style Taichi Association, working as the deputy to Great Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang.

武林泰斗冯志强大师   Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang

  2018年被中国国家级媒体评为“武林名家”“武林百杰”称号。入选“当代中国武林精英大典”。2019年,被西班牙武术太极功夫联合会授予功夫“九段大师”称号,被世界武术搏击联盟授予“九段”证书,被世界著名武术家评审委员会评为“世界著名武术家”。2020年入选“华夏武林精英大典”,入选2020中国武术家风采日历,获评“中国武术家”,入选国家级外宣平台(中国推介网)主持的中国武术名家人才数据库。2014年接受武林在线媒体“武林大家访谈录”采访。20158月被【少林与太极】杂志列为封面人物。In 2014, he was interviewed by Great Master Interview program of [Wushu Online] media. In August 2015, he was selected as the Cover Character by "Shaolin and Taichi" magazine . In 2018, he was awarded the titles of Famous Kungfu Master and Top Hundred Kungfu Celebrity by China national level media, and was selected into [The Grand Book of Contemporary Chinese Elite Kungfu Masters]. Dr. h. c. Master Albert Wang was also selected as A World-Renowned Martial Arts Master by World-Renowned Kungfu Master Review Committee, was awarded certificates of 9 DUAN and Master by Kungfu Taichi Federation of Spain, and was awarded certificate of 9 DUAN by World Fighting Martial Arts Federation in 2019. In 2020, he was selected into [The Grand Record of Chinese Elite Wushu Grandmasters], compiled into [2020 Calendar of Chinese Martial Arts Masters] together with Jet Li, Chen Xiaowang, Donnie Yen, etc, and was awarded title of Chinese Kungfu Master. In May, 2020, Dr. h. c. Master Albert Wang was selected into national-level Chinese Elite Master Database.

世界武术搏击联盟授予“九段”证书     9 DUAN by World Fighting Martial Arts Federation

  自幼习武,曾获多项世界冠军,过去数十年间培训学生千人。在国际国内武术界具有广泛影响力和知名度。作为国际级武术裁判,担任2020首届问剑天下国际武术网络大赛副总裁判长。理论实践并重,多篇武术文章在【中华武术】、【武当】、【少林与太极】、【KUNGFU TAICHI】等中外媒体发表。对武术“内功”给出科学定义。认为:呼吸配合,动作精微,充分放松,意念指导,气机敏感,气血通畅,武功高强,具备以上7条,就可以说是具备了太极拳的内功。作为太极拳“活膝”理论的首创提出者,完善了太极拳的整体体系。“活膝”词条被“维基百科”、“百度百科”和“互动百科”权威收录。著作书稿【(秘传)内功太极修炼须知及陈式太极拳83式】中,把部分太极内功秘传心法首次给予公开。As a Taichi and Xingyiquan Master, he won a number of championships in International Wushu Contests and taught up to thousand students in the world throughout past dozens of years. As international level judge, Dr. h. c. Master Albert Wang was appointed as the Deputy Chief Referee of THE FIRST CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD ONLINE WUSHU CONTEST IN 2020. In addition, he is also a master of kungfu theories. Many of his kungfu theory articles have been published by professional martial arts magazines such asCHINESE WUSHU,WUDANG,SHAOLIN AND TAICHI,KUNGFU TAICHI,etc. For example, in one of his professional publication, he originally gave scientific definition for Internal kungfu(NEI GONG内功) as well-coordinated breathing, subtle and precise movements, fully relaxed body, mind directed actions(YI NIAN意念), sensitive feelings of inner energy(气感)unobstructed micro circulation, and powerful body capacity such as excellent explosive force or super speeds. Dr. h. c. Master Albert Wang also invented the theory of LIVE KNEE and complete the training system of TAICHI. The entry of LIVE KNEE was included by authoritatively included by both Wikipedia,Baidu Encyclopedia, and baike.com. Especially, Dr. h. c. Master Albert Wang made public some internal kungfu secret training methods in his recently completed masterpiece Guidelines for Taichi Internal Kungfu Training and Chen-style Taichi 83 Forms.


中外媒体杂志发表   Published by professional martial arts magazines 

  武功造诣深厚,化劲发劲神妙空灵。百公斤壮汉轻松发放丈外。进行太极功夫“千斤坠”表演,任人推而不动,也可与数十人推而不动. 掌、肘、肩均可贴身发零距离寸劲。早在2009年,出拳速度即超过当时的世界纪录,速度达一秒双拳直臂前击十次。并于2019年创造了1秒内双肘前击10次、单肘前击7次的世界记录,成为当今世界肘击速度最快的武术家,被中国国家级报刊报道,并接受中国中央电视台记者专访,专访报道及其他相关报道被人民日报多媒体平台、中华网、凤凰网、搜狐网、新浪网、网易、海峡日报网等多家主流媒体报道。Dr. h. c. Master Albert Wang has a superb level of kungfu mastery. For example, he can easily throw a strong opponent meters away. And he is able to stand still when dozens of people form a line and push him together. Also, he is capable of striking explosive "ZERO INCH PUNCH (CUN JIN)" using hands, elbows, or shoulders. As early as 2009, Dr. h. c. Albert Wang already exceeded the straight arm punch speed world record. In 2019, he created world records of elbow strike speeds, i.e. 10 strikes per second using alternate arms and 7 strikes per second using single arm, and became the martial art Master with the quickest elbow strikes in the world. His stories have thus been reported by most of the authoritative media such as Peoples Daily Group, China.com, IFENG.COM, SOHU.COM, SINA.COM, NETEASE.COM, 163.com, hxnews.com, etc. 



10 strikes per second using alternate arms and 7 strikes per second using single armpunch speed world record. In 2019

  王行洪大师作为荣誉教授,荣誉博士学位获得者,文武双全,既是世界著名武术家,也是发明家、科学家。作为发明家,王行洪大师是中国发明协会会员,拥有多项发明及实用新型专利。发明食品料理机、安全防护包等产品。Dr. h. c. Master Albert Wang, honorary Professor, is not only a kungfu grandmaster but also a scientist and an inventor. As a certified member of China Invention Association, he invented both food processing machine and safety bag and owns multiple utility model & invention patents.

发明食品料理机    Food Processing Machine

  作为科学家,王行洪提出了时间旅行的一种现实解决方案。在IT领域,他首创提出了柔性屏手表(腕带式可弯曲手机)的创意。在AI领域,曾结合太极修炼及科学知识,针对电脑不能进行艺术性和创造性工作的主流错误观点,首创提出,电脑可以做艺术性及创造性工作,具重大意义。在天文学领域,首创提出地球轨道虚拟望远镜概念,及全球天文望远镜整合联网建议。在逻辑学领域,经科学严谨论证,给出了理发师悖论的合理解决方案。在交通运输领域,他发明了管道运河物流系统,并发明了汽车车辆协同联动编组驾驶系统, 可以命名为汽车火车化,或称为非接触车辆数字化控制编组,用以解决大城市交通拥堵的难题。As a scientist, he innovatively proposed the concept of earth-orbit virtual telescope and made the suggestion of a program of uniting astronomic telescopes in the world. He also provided a solution to Barbers Paradox and strictly proved its correctness. In the field of AI, he pointed out the mistake of mainstream opinion about artificial intelligence and confirmed, with great significance, that artificial intelligence can not only do calculating work but also do artistic work and creative work. In addition, he provided a practical solution of time travelling into the future. He also predicted the popularity of flexible screen watch(flexible screen mobile phone to be worn like a watch) in the future. In the field of transportation, he invented pipe canal and WANG (WITHOUT-CONTACT AUTOMOBILE NUMERICAL-CONTROL GROUPING) system to deal with the traffic jam in cities.

世界著名武术家 - 王行洪大师

World-Renowned Martial Arts Master – Dr. Albert Wang Xinghong

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武术大家访谈录 - 王行洪大师

Martial Arts Master Interview – Dr. Albert Wang Xinghong

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Shadowless Punches Kungfu Demonstrates By

Dr. Albert Wang Xinghong

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状   Award

状   Award

聘书   Appointment

聘书   Appointment