智慧太极拳 - 刘绥滨 教授

发布时间:8/10/2020 12:00:00 AM


Leader Of QingCheng Master Prof. Liu Sui Bin Was Appointed As Honorary Advisor Of 【FEDERATION OF WORLD CULTURAL & ART SOCIETY】

刘绥滨 教授




        2001年,被余国雄宗师(中国武术协会唯一认定青城派代表人物)授权成为青城派掌门人,  毕业于重庆医科大学,从医12年;授武30年;先后创立了《中国道家休闲养生功》和《太极智慧》系统课程,兼任北京体育大学《中国太极拳标准教学及养生康复功用研究》课题组研究员以及四川工商职业技术学院、西安体育学院武术学院、中国人民大学培训学院、美国国际医药大学、美国高校太极联盟特聘或客座教授;执教全球多家高校及高端培训机构,以快乐学武术、休闲练养生的教学方法,不讲高深理论,用最短的时间让学员通过太极养生体验哲学智慧,追求身心平衡,与自然、人类、社会和谐相处,互助共生。

         弟子、学生过百万,遍及全球80余个国家,向壳牌、奥美行销、宝马、奔驰、日慕瓦、慕克尔、佳能、劳斯莱斯等跨国集团传授太极养生与道家智慧课程。 学习者包括多国政要、总统顾问、文化名人、著名企业家、多国健身气功协会主席、世界武术、搏击比赛冠亚军、世界小姐、世界超模、影视名星、大学教授等各界名流。出任瑞士中国武术学院顾问、法国东方文化中心顾问、第四届世界整合医学大会顾问。目前新浪微博(青城派掌门刘绥滨)粉丝超过56万,抖音(青城掌门刘绥滨)粉丝超过93万,抖音单条阅读量超过3734万。


       出版书籍、光盘十五套(多次入选中国道教协会主办多届中国道教文化节组委会礼品。《跟掌门学养生》曾获当当网健康书冠军)。曾担任泸州老窖紫砂大曲、金山武侠游戏独孤九剑形象代言人,担任多届中国国际名酒文化节五粮液酒圣祭祀大典 大祭司。曾任全球经济发展论坛、中国国际太极·瑜伽大会太极导师;河南电视台武术世界频道、江苏卫视万家灯火栏目、广东卫视健康有道栏目、世界太极文化节、中印国际瑜伽节、印度国际瑜伽节、中国慢病管理大会、太极文化与健身气功国际论坛、中华百家和鸣论坛主讲嘉宾;2019中华中医药学会养生康复分会年会学术主持人;世界超级模特大赛全球总决赛、峨眉传奇世界格斗冠军赛、武林风全球功夫盛典颁奖嘉宾。





蒋信平道长--道家武医高人,曾任成都市道教协会会长,111岁羽化。        余国雄先生--解放前曾任国民党中央军、黔军教官,名老中医,九十年代初作中国武术协会确定为青城派唯一代表人物载 入《中国武术人名辞典》,已故。

青城太极站功六式:全球动作最少、时间最短、得气最快。 出版物 : 出版书籍、光盘十五套,多次入选中国道教协会所主办的中国道教文化节组委会礼品 《跟掌门学养生》

女版 : 曾获当当网健康书冠军 《跟掌门学养生》                男版 : 入选江西日报《领导干部读书推荐书目》

金庸先生题字                                              金庸先生探访青城派


法国《太极》杂志 美国《功夫与太极》杂志 柬埔寨《星洲日报》报道 ,二十余年来,全球600家媒体对青城武术养生及刘绥滨教授进行了30万余次宣传报道及转载


 Chinese Martial Arts: Qingcheng Tai Chi

Culture  Updated 12:39, 19-May-2019   CGTN

When the wind and cloud blow and the lotus dances, you can come to Qingcheng mountain for the essence of Tai Chi. Situated in Dujiangyan, Sichuan Province, Qingcheng Mountain is one of the famous bases of Taoism. It has developed a kung fu style called Qingcheng style.

Liu Suibin is the 36th leader of Qingcheng Tai Chi. He started to learn Qingcheng-style kung fu at the age of 6 with his grandfather as he was prone to illness and it was thought that practicing kung fu would help him keep fit.

When the wind and cloud blow and the lotus dances, you can come to Qingcheng mountain for the essence of Tai Chi. Situated in Dujiangyan, Sichuan Province, Qingcheng Mountain is one of the famous bases of Taoism. It has developed a kung fu style called Qingcheng style.

Liu Suibin is the 36th leader of Qingcheng Tai Chi. He started to learn Qingcheng-style kung fu at the age of 6 with his grandfather as he was prone to illness and it was thought that practicing kung fu would help him keep fit.

In his teenage years, Liu became a pupil of Wang Shutian, one of the rule makers of modern Chinese kickboxing. “I learned kickboxing because I didn't want to be bullied. I needed to fight in order to win, Liu said.

He earned a reputation in kickboxing. But he often got injured and developed a quick temper. Later, he worked in kung fu studios and was hired as a security officer by several institutions.

In 1997, Master Yu Guoyong, the representative figure of Qingcheng kung fu, decided to cultivate Liu as the next leader. Since then Liu began to learn Qingcheng Tai Chi systematically.

Qingcheng Tai Chi is different from other Tai Chi styles, “There are several principles in other Tai Chi styles," Liu said. "The practitioner's neck should be erect, the lower jaw should be held, and the eyes should look straight ahead. But in Qingcheng Tai Chi, there will be head-up and head-down movements. Also, other Tai Chi styles require the practitioner to sink the shoulders and drop their elbows. But we do have the movements of lifting the elbow, lifting the shoulder and raising the palm. 

Qingcheng Tai Chi has three special pieces of training required by the Dragon Gate Taoism. “The first one is mudra. We believe that it's our way to communicate with the heaven and the earth. The second one is the surge of Qi', which massages our organs and keeps us healthy. The third one is stretching that can prolong practitioners' life. That's the reason people feel pain after practicing Qingcheng Tai Chi, explained Liu.

After practicing Tai Chi for three years, he found himself much more peaceful and more people support his efforts to promote Qingcheng-style kung fu.

Liu believes that Tai Chi changed his life. With the permission of his master, he began to teach the first 36 moves of Qingcheng Tai Chi to the public. Normally the Tai Chi can only be passed on from leader to leader.

Now, supported by all walks of life, Qingcheng Tai Chi has been promoted among the citizens of Dujiangyan, thus became a popular sport that's beneficial for everyone.